How to Make a Million Dollars in a Year. By Jameil
First, understand a few things:
- Quota is critical, but it’s not your only measure of progress or success.
- Revenue and Market share are a lagging indicator of your daily/hourly activity.
- Measure those activities with a microscope, or an endoscope. 😎
- Have the guts to pivot off something that is not gaining traction.
- Be cognizant of your value to others. Ask for blunt feedback from them, otherwise your value is difficult to measure.
In no way am I saying KPI’s > Quota because that’s ridiculous fluff and the box-checkers will do the bare minimum.
• Participation trophies don’t exist in Sales.
• A sense of entitlement will get you nowhere in a competitive marathon.
To reach the Million dollar milestone and to build a dynasty — you need to master what I have developed as the 5 Principles of 🆘Sultans of Sales.
1. The art of daily habits and Neuroplasticity.
2. The art of relationships.
3. Tenacity and grit.
4. Courage and humility.
5. The art of Storytelling.
Your value can never be marginalized by a spreadsheet. Don’t let them box you into a cage. Break the barriers. Take risks.
Creating your Sales Plan
- Create a dynamic, measurable, strategic plan and pressure test it often.
- You can do better than SMART goals from the 1990’s.
- Engage your customers. Directly. Boldly.
- Speak to what matters to them.
- Create relationships with the gatekeepers and influencers. They control more than you realize.
- The key is to create something bigger than any one of us. Make them want to be a part of it.
- Drive sustainable Value, to them, for them.
- This supersedes everything.
- Poke holes in your plan. Ask others to do the same.
- How will you reach your audience?
- Why would they listen?
- Is your plan scalable?
- Why won’t it work?
- Remove any perception they have of your bias through passion, conviction and data.
- You have to Believe in yourself and in what you sell.
- In order for them to believe, Data is king.
- Anecdotal data will help bridge things in the short term, but long term adoption will require data.
- Peer to peer interaction is a fast track.
- Get in front of your customers. If not in person, get creative and learn how to stand out from the crowd.
Hope this helps someone level up, and close strong.
🤙🏽 Get after it.